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Comments for Violent Femmes, Violent Femmes

On this album the violent femmes do the 'Teenage Angst Crap' better than I have ever heard it done before. If you went to highschool in the late 80's, a few of these songs you will remember as anthems. But like so many other albums of sincerley good quality, it can be listened to without seeming anachronistic. I think this is the difference between the violent femmes and other groups covering the same sort of material. (ie the Ramones) The femmes never seem dated. But alas, I have given their other albums a fair listening and find that none even come close to this self-titled release.
With Blister, Add It Up, Gimme The Car, Ugly and some of the other trax on here, can U honestly expect any other albums to compare? The only one that comes close is Add It Up, and I jes love Country Death Song and Dance MF Dance. Being introed ta those 2 at a show is insane! I'd heard this album and parts of others before, but that wz it!
E-MAIL: cyko@roadkill
Aren't these guys suppose to be women?Nice name guys you guys sound like a bunch of cows HA!HA!HA!
If the Violent Femmes are "progressive", I think Metallica is "easy listening"!
The Violent Femmes Kick Ass!!!!!!! All of their albums do and if you haven't heard them the once again Kick Ass !!!!!!!!!
The Violent Femmes Kick Ass!!!!!!! All of their albums do and if you haven't heard them the once again Kick Ass !!!!!!!!!
The Violent Femmes Kick Ass!!!!!!! All of their albums do and if you haven''t heard them the once again Kick Ass !!!!!!!!!
Even though the vulgar "" can't spell (or proofread), he is right on target with his sentiment. This album by the Violent Femmes was tremendously influential in moving the 1980s away from the influence of the "big hair bands" and "arena rock bands". It's stripped-down-rock and plaintive air make it a must-listen.
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