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Comments for Earle, Steve, I Feel Alright

The toughest part of filling out the form was deciding whichstyle of music to classify it in. Well, let`s see, there`s newcountry, and old-fashioned country, and some blues, and some rock and roll that sounds like the Beatles, and some rock and roll that sounds like Buddy Holly`s plane never went down, and one of those story songs thatEarle writes so well. A year or so ago, Steve Earle was in jail, trying to kick a 25-year heroin habit, and withouta job/recording contract to look forward to upon release. Needless to say, his prospects weren`t brilliant at the time.But this makes two real good albums he`s put out sincethen (1995`s Grammy-nominated "Train a-Comin`" the other)so is America a great country or what?!
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