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Comments for Gandharvas, Kicking in the Water

E-MAIL: calvin'n'
By far one the years best albums ever. As a student at Berklee College of Music I can safely say that I have never heard a band that deserved the title of best band of 1995/1996. The genius that is behind this album is truly indescribable. I would highly recommend this album to anyone who is in to music and genius itself
E-MAIL: wendy_dale.http.
E-MAIL: wendy_dale.http.
You have a phenomenol album! You have two phenomenol albums. I'll kick anyone's buttocks who disagrees! Say... I here Eric Howden, the convict, didn't quite work out. The bassist you need to complete the fairy tale is named Ljubomir Gorscak. He is from London. He played with Prime Meridian here in London- no comment on that band. He's far removed from that scene now so don't worry about it. He currently is the bassist for the cover band Moonyard which you may be familiar with. He's also playing in a band called Used Erotica. And he's got a huge smelly black dildo to prove it! He's too old for the band he's in. He needs friends! Oh come on...AT LEAST GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!! He's really good and he can play all your songs. He's more than willing to experiment with anything. Musical or otherwise. AND HE'S GOT THE BIG BLACK SMELLY DILDO TO PROVE IT!!! Anyways, I really like your album. I think about it every time I urinate in a public restroom equipped with American Standard urinals. Although sometimes the chlorine pucks blur my vision.
I own over 180 CD's and kicking in the water is in my top 5 favorite albums of all time. It is sheer fucking brilliance! I don't understand why the rest of the world hasn't heard this album!??!
Let me tell ya, about two years ago I had heard the song "First Day of Spring" and I was hooked. My parents had gone to Windsor and bought me the "A Soap Bubble and Inertia" tape. I waited for for the next album. I was surprised to find it at a local record shop. That's unusual because I live in Toledo. This is their greatest album. I love it! It is so awesome. Keep up the good work!
The album "Kicking in the Water" defines the category alternative. While most record companies are trying to jump onto the alternative bandwagon so they can sell music to 'bad-ass' snowboarders and skaters, they have killed the whole definition of alternative. The Gandharvas have enough talent to carry on a music style of their own and make it enjoyable for almost anyone who would give it a chance. Maybe I am saying this because I am the biggest gandharvas fan in the WORLD! yet I don't die my hair green and swear and spend my weekends doing drugs and sitting on my ass on the ski hill getting in people's way. I believe that these guys have so much talent its a shame there are no induviduals out there to enjoy it with me. But I kind of like it that way. If anyone has any info on tours or a new album or if they are dead and no one has told me yet, please e-mail me. Bye.
OUt of the 100+ CD's I have, this is the only number 10 I have; or have ever heard for that matter. Goodbye.
Hi my name is Robb and I am from London Ontario, home of the gandharvas. This is cool because I get to see alot of their shows. As amazing as their two albums are- they can''t be fully appreciated until you see them live. Anyway, they are my favorite band and I would be happy to try to answer anybodies questions about them. Chances are that I just might know.
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