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Comments for Lennon, John, Double Fantasy

E-MAIL: Spiderman
What songs on this album did Yoko do ???
E-MAIL: Heather
off the top of my head, i know she did "kiss kiss kiss" and "i'm moving on". i'm sure she did more, though.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Actually, this record sounds like it was done today. John's stuff does it, anyway.
E-MAIL: Heather
when i listen to it, i think of what a bad singer Yoko is. John liked it though, so i won't get mean.
Speaking of bad singing -------- the lovely Linda! HOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLL:->
E-MAIL: Heather [laughing hard at previous comment]
good one Johnny!: )
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I agree with you, John, but Paul liked it though, so I won't get mean.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I agree with you, John, but Paul liked it though, so I won't get mean.
E-MAIL: Heather
it was still funny!
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Yes, it was truly funny.
On behalf of the group, I passed the audition.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Good one again ,John :D
E-MAIL: Heather
don't it always seem to go...that you don't know what you got til it's gone...they paved paradise...and put up a parking lot...(i bought Joni Mitchell's greatest hits yesterday : )
I like that song - I don't know much of her stuff otherwise. Just "Help Me," "Coyote" (which is great) and "Woodstock" from CSN&Y.
E-MAIL: Heather
well, i'm barely getting to know her now. i think she's pretty good. my mom hates her, though. my dad does too.
Sounds like your folks are Lawrence Welk fans.
E-MAIL: Heather
no, they just hate Joni Mitchell. mom thinks she is pretentious.
I don't know enough about her. What song of hers got you interested? I wouldn't figure too many 15 years olds would even know who she is?
E-MAIL: Heather
i was reading about her in a magazine i picked up, and it mentioned that she had written "big yellow taxi" (amy grant had covered that song, and even though i HATE amy grant, i liked the song) so i bought the cd. i really like "raised on robbery": )
E-MAIL: Heather
and i am 16!
Sorry about that. I still wouldn't think too many 16 year olds would know who she is. I don't like Amy Grant either.
E-MAIL: Heather
you oughta get the hits album. it's really good. it has the songs from about '67 to some fairly recent stuff. i like it. you might like it too.
Heather, if you have a VCR, rent out "The Last Waltz." It's a film of The Band's (at the time) retirement concert. It's an all star affair including Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Muddy Waters, Neil Young, and Joni Mitchell sings "Coyote." Ringo is in it at the very end just sitting in on drums - he doesn't sing anything.
E-MAIL: Heather
of course i have a vcr! i have a computer, don't i? so where would i find this movie? in the documentary section?
You don't have video rental stores in New Mexico? It should be categorized as music.
E-MAIL: Heather
of course we do! jeez, we are not in some third-world country! i just didn't know in what section of the video store that we do have to look!
When you rent it, look for the booger patrol during Neil Young. I biography on "The Band" I have says that he performed "Helpless" with a huge rock of coke up his nostril, and when the film was edited, someone had to go frame by frame to cover over it.
E-MAIL: Heather
it would have just been easier to take out the performance. i couldn't even dream of performing on drugs. i'd be too, well, too something.
What do you perform on, er, what do you perform? I could imagine it. Many musicians did.
E-MAIL: Heather
i am an actress!
School plays, huh?
E-MAIL: Heather
yes, unfortunately. no one has discovered me yet. but someday...
Yea. I guess not to many motion pictures are filmed where you live.
E-MAIL: Heather
no, and i don't understand why. maybe it's because we're knee-deep in tourists.
My guess is that you live in the middle of (almost) nowhere. I can't be tourists because Hollywood is full of them. What is it that your town has again? The UFO caverns?
I was an ac-tor one time. It was a mu-sical version of "A Streetcar Named Desire" I was Steve the paper boy: (singing) I am just a simple paper boy, no romance do I seek. I just wanted 40 cents for my deliveries last week. Will this bewitching floozy, seduce this humble newsie? Oh what is a paper boy to......(pause)....doooooooooooooooo.
E-MAIL: Heather
[heehee]..i don't know what you're talking about. i live in iowa: )
I went across Iowa once on a Greyhound bus: BORRR--ING!
E-MAIL: Heather
don't knock the land of corn, buddy.
I was counting all the corn stalks as the bus went down the highway. Then I fell asleep after 50 miles.
E-MAIL: Heather
that's a damn exciting activity there. you must have been exhausted from all the excitement.
I've heard that that's a night of excitement for Iowan teenagers. I was stuck one night in Rawlins, Wyoming waiting for a bus. I was in the center of town - the main intersection, the only traffic light. I spent 3 hours waiting for the bus and there were these 4 teenagers in an old beat up pick-up truck doing nothing but driving back and forth through the intersection.
Sorry Heather, I guess I described a teenagers night out in Roswell as well. Oils well that ends well :=>
E-MAIL: Heather
hey, this is NOT middle of nowhere. we actually have actual things to do here. Roswell has 45,000 inhabitants. my town has 28,000. you underestimate us.
E-MAIL: Heather
oil is not the only industry. we also have potash mining, the WIPP site, natural gas, farming, ranching, business, doctors, lawyers, etc. and of course SHRIMP!!!
SHRIMP? New Mexico isn't near any oceans.
E-MAIL: Heather
gullible: )
smart ass :->
E-MAIL: Heather
ha ha!
E-MAIL: what?
E-MAIL: who?
E-MAIL: Me!!
E-MAIL: Yoko
E-MAIL: Linda
E-MAIL: :-{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
E-MAIL: double chin there?
E-MAIL: ;-{{{{{{{{{{{{{B(Linda)rf
E-MAIL: leave linda alone.
E-MAIL: i don't even know her.
E-MAIL: then you'll have no problem leaving her alone.
E-MAIL: as long as I keep her voice out of the CD player. I'm glad she's recovering from her cancer though.
E-MAIL: i am glad too. it is odd that she got cancer, when her lifestyle is so branny. never heard her sing.
E-MAIL: she never sang leads - but those out of tune backing vocals are hers. She was a talented photographer.
E-MAIL: Heather
all that i know about her is summed up by her last name.
A-ha! I forgot the basics, but Linda Eastman was not relatedto anyone at Eastman/Kodak. It's just a coincidence. Her father was a lawyer who Paul tried to get to manage the Beatles finances - he was voted down by the other 3. I was initially fooled too.
E-MAIL: Heather
[doesn't know what the hell you're talking about...]
When I said she was a photographer, and you said it was summed up in her name, I thought you meant that she became a professional photographer because of connections with the Eastman/Kodak film company. It's easy to assume that since her maiden name was Eastman, and I thought you did (assume that).
E-MAIL: Heather
I know the maiden name is Eastman. But I don't know anything about Eastman/Kodak. I know she is a photographer. But I was referring to McCartney as her last name. (I know she's married to Paul McCartney.)Otherwise, I know much more then I let on...
E-MAIL: the shadow knows
E-MAIL: the samurai kicks ass
E-MAIL: the yankees had their asses kicked :->
E-MAIL: Heather
john, let's just not talk about baseball, okay?
I wont today.
E-MAIL: Heather
not tomorrow, not ever.
OK, on this page only - until the end of the month.
E-MAIL: Heather
that's not good enough. don't ever talk to me about baseball, not here, not there, not today, not ever. you always come up with something thouroughly infuriating, and then i get so angry!!! i don't want to have to deal with that.
E-MAIL: Lets Go Mets!
E-MAIL: Heather
fine. if you insist on talking about baseball, i just won't answer you. [harsh, huh?: )]
E-MAIL: whatever
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I hate baseball too. SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!
E-MAIL: Flower Child
hate baseball? why?
E-MAIL: Spiderman
To tell the truth: I don't understand it. I like hockey MUCH better. And anyways, baseball is a wimpy sport. Nobody plays baseball in sweden.
Baseball & hockey are my 2 favorites. Yes, nobody likes baseball in Europe - I was in London last year & couldn't find it anywhere. I did watch a cricket game though - I couldn't understand it. It's just different cultures - nobody likes soccer (what you call football) in the states, and that's the biggest Euro-sport.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
You're right, John, but I still hate baseball.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I hate american football and basketball too.
So that's how they distinguish football from soccer out there. What are the other big Euro sports aside from hockey, soccer (oops, football) and cricket. When I was in Isreal last summer, I saw on a eurosport channel, this hysterical show of motorcycles trying to drive up rocky cliffs or through big mud puuddles, always wiping out. That's entertainment.
E-MAIL: Flower Child
there's going to be a monster truck rally or whatever at the racetrack tonight. woo-hoo! i'm tempted to go so i can check out all the redneck guys who'll buy me, um, stuff.
Is Truckasourous going to be there?
E-MAIL: Flower Child
as it turns out, i don't know. i didn't go [awww...]. instead, i went to the drive-in with a bunch of friends and saw "austin powers: international man of mystery". funny show, but not very high-brow. i had a good time though, even though my best friend kept trying to set me up with her cousing. he wasn't bad, but he wasn't that great either. then my other friend dumped his popcorn over my sucked because for the rest of the night i smelt (smelled?) like butter. he's gonna pay...
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Want me to whack him????????
Wow, you still have drive-ins. I thought they were a thing of the past. New Jersey used to have alot of them until 15-20 years ago. Most of them were replaced by 9-plexes.
E-MAIL: Heather
the drive-in is quite young (?), it has been here only since '90 or so. and yes, Spiderman, whack him! sorry, guys, but i only have time for the john site ride is picking me up in ten minutes. i'm going to sitting bull falls (don't bother asking).
"fairly new" is probably a better term to use. Why would you want to go watch a sitting bull fall? First owls, and now this. You must be animal haters :-(
E-MAIL: except for dogs.
E-MAIL: Heather
john, even for you, that was very lame. you need to try harder...and where the hell is spiderman? did he disappear again?
E-MAIL: Heather
john, even for you, that was very lame. you need to try harder...and where the hell is spiderman? did he disappear again?
1. I'm too busy with school right now to think. 2. I don't know.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
No, i'm here. Do you go to school in the summer ?????
I DID go to school in the summer. I just finished my final exam. Phew (relief).
E-MAIL: Spiderman
good for you
E-MAIL: Spiderman
What are you going to do now ????
It's up in the air. It's too late to find a summer job. I'm probably going to buy some computer manuels and self teach myself some languages to get more knowledge to help look for an eventual computer job.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
Sounds dull. i hate computer programming, hate anything that has to do with maths.
It's OK so far. My math skills were always better until my english/writing skills anyway (until calculus). I figure that it's important to learn computers. It seems to be the most practical way of getting a job.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
I'm the opposite. I'm good at writing ans speaking english and swedish, but terrible at maths.
People are usually better at one or the other.
and I definitly know nothing about the Swedish language.
E-MAIL: Spiderman
He he he.
Definately an artistic album....John's songs as certainly wonderful and Yoko's are too as well as avante garde and off-beat. It is really a DOUBLE FANTASY and was one of the best albums of 1980-81.
Alright, another Yoko fan. She is an underapreciated musical pioneer. Way ahead of her time.
E-MAIL: shit
What the hell is this a chat room? Good fuckin record. Johns a helluva song writer.
A lovely album.
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