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Comments for Quarterflash, Back Into Blue

This is Quarterflash's best of their first 3 albums. The songwriting quality was consistently high throughout, unlike their first 2 albums.
Have you a version on CD of this excellent album? Desperately i seek this.
I'm also looking for this (and Take Another Picture) on CD. Any info would be appreciated (like if either were even ever released on CD, and thus might be available used somewhere).
All of Quarterflash's albums were released on CD, though I imagine the number pressed of "Take Another Picture" and "Back Into Blue" were quite low, as the first came out just as CD's were really catching on, and the latter when the fickle masses had largely forgotten about the band. I can confirm both of these as I own "Back Into Blue" on CD... and I held a copy of "Take Another Picture" in my hands when I was a cash-strapped college student and when CD's usually cost at least $18 each, if not more.
Quarterflash was a really good band; it's a shame they disappeared along with many other '80s bands which were alot more talented than the angry and/or depressing rock and rap groups of the '90s. "Back Into Blue" is a good album which deserved more (did it get any at all?) airplay.
I went to Tower Records in Los Gatos on Sunday (7/20/970 and bought Back into Blue on CD for $6.99 plus tax. It was the only copy they had in stock
E-MAIL: b_hixson
This is also a great album- as well as all their others. I love "Walking On Ice", and "I Want To Believe It's You". I love to play this album during the winter. Don't ask me why? If you are thinking about purchasing this album - do it while it is still available!!
E-MAIL: b_hixson
This is also a great album- as well as all their others. I love "Walking On Ice", and "I Want To Believe It's You". I love to play this album during the winter. Don't ask me why? If you are thinking about purchasing this album - do it while it is still available!!
Both ''Take Another Picture'' and ''Back Into Blue'' have just been reissued on CD and can be bought through Tower Records via London. They are averaging approximately £6.99 each. Both albums are exceptional and include inside linear notes detailing staff changes and musical influences in the group.
Quarterflash`s third and final album. Jack Charles and Rick DiGiallonardo left the band prior to this album.
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